30 December 2013

Kickin' It Old Skool - Day 30

This month I'm joining Jamie Ridler and Shannon Ridler in their Kickin It Old Skool Blog Challenge.  It's a month long challenge that will encourage us to post every day.  If you want to join in, click here or on the button on the left side bar.

Day 30 - Recipes

Today we are asked to share on of our favorite recipes.  I'm going to share one that I only have once a year (at Christmas).  It isn't my recipe so I'll just share a link.  

I saw this on an episode of Tyler's Ultimate several years ago and it looked so good that we ended up trying it for Christmas one year instead of having our usual Turkey and Ham.  It is soooo delicious!

Horseradish and Garlic Prime Rib

(we don't use the wild mushroom part of the recipe.  we have a different mushroom recipe we use.)

Okay, now I'm hungry.  ;-)


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