30 December 2022

auras and vibrating eyeballs...


today's ten things...

- waiting until the last minute to start preparing my planner and journal for 2023

- my fridge is so full of food i feel sick looking at it and it has kept me from being able to cook any of it. (although i have nacho meat cooking right now)

- 36+ hours without internet, tv and home phone was 10 times harder than when the power is out?!?

- painting gives me anxiety

- painting makes me happy

- i know, i'm completely contradictory in my thoughts, it's just how my brain works

- self care looks like every other week massages and they are wonderful

- going to the grocery after a massage is NOT a good idea. i don't know if i was dehydrated or what, but by the time i left the store i was almost in full migraine (auras/vibrating eyeballs/etc) and getting stuck in traffic due to an automobile accident is NOT good.

- twinkle lights always make me happy

- disco ball ornaments make me giddy

hope you're having a good week...

love & magicks


23 December 2022


i had visitors this very cold morning...

i heard a clatter on my roof and since i know santa isn't making a trip to my house, thought perhaps a raccoon or something was trying to get into my attic to escape the dropping temperatures.

when i went out i found a committee of vultures on my roof.  there were more than 20.  this is the second time in the last three days i've seen the committee.  (the photo from yesterdays post is of about 40+ scattered through the trees at the end of our street that i took the day before)

when i saw them days ago, i felt like it was a message.  so i guess they really have something to say. since vultures are distinct for cleaning up the mess of death, maybe they are telling me to clean up my mess so that i can make the changes that are needed to transform to the life i want instead of the life i have.

when i posted about them a few days ago on ig, one of my followers suggested that it was a sign that old things are going to be cut out and recycled and i like that idea.  

whatever the message, i'm listening and open to receiving it. 

have you had any messengers visit you recently? do you believe in signs and omens?

i hope you are having a lovely day and for those in the us, please stay warm during this cold front that is across the country.

love & magicks



ps...big hugs and thanks to Deb at SheWhoSeeks for the blogger reader tip.  i switched to bloglovin years ago because my blogger reader had stopped working. i'm happy to be able to use it again.  and it's been interesting going through to see who is still blogging that i followed from all those years ago. :-)  xo


22 December 2022

trouble with the light...

it's been over a year since i was really here.  i kept meaning to get back here and really wanted to write.  i was caught up in holiday season madness november and december of last year, then on january first in the middle of the first class of a year long course, my computer crashed.

things accumulated to turn 2022 into a really bad year, one that i barely survived.  but, survive i did, and i'm here now and really wanting to be.

i'd planned to restart blogging back at samhain. when that didn't happen i thought solstice would be the perfect time.  i have such trouble with the light, both figurative and literal.  this time when the sunlight is becoming a tad more pronounced seems an excellent time to try to bring a little light back into myself.

so, here i am. 

i have no "plan", no scheme of how often i'll blog, what i'll write about, or anything like that.

i'll just show up when and how i can and i'll be happy with that.  yes?

today is very overcast and rainy, my second favorite type of winter day. the temps are dropping and tomorrow night's low is 8degrees F.  

i've the makings for chili on saturday. tonight i think will be a nachos night, but as i've an online class in an hour, i'll see how i feel after.  

i'm so happy to be back here.  and i so appreciate those who are still here with me.  

oh! that reminds me, i could use a bit of advice on blog readers.  i was using bloglovin but it has been very finicky for the last year or more, it takes days to be able to pull up my feed and sometimes i can't access it for weeks.  i've been trying to move my feed over to wordpress, but i'm having trouble with that one too.  what readers/feeders do you use to keep up with your blog reading.  i'd so appreciate any suggestions.

well...off to prep a snack tray to get me through class.

hope you are all having a wonderful day

love & magicks



21 December 2022

turning to the light...

 sending you blessings, love and light on this beautiful solstice...

love & magicks
