03 January 2007

Let me introduce...

A little while ago, the beast(big black lab) was whiny and fussy and wanting to go out to pee. So I take him to the back door and let him out per our usual agreement for nighttime pee breaks. He took about 3 steps out on the deck when suddenly he starts barking as loudly as possible, takes off like a flash into the back yard. I think he literally flew off the deck and skipped the steps completely. I am standing on the laundry room watching and wondering what he is on about, when I see a slight movement near where he stopped. The movement was slow and meandering so I knew it couldn't be a cat, even though he has chased after several that have dared to invade his territory in the past. Watching how careful he was to not get too close and yet determined to complain loudly to whatever was invading his yard, I began to get concerned. I ran to the bedroom where I keep a large flashlight by the bed (in case of power outages in the middle of the night) and ran out to the deck to see what it was. By the time I got back the beast had stopped barking and was sniffing near the fence where I had seen "it" climb out of the yard. I shined the light around the area, careful to keep an eye on the beast lest he be attacked from behind or something and never could see anything.

After a few minutes of the beasts pee breaks and sniffs I saw his tail start to wag in an overly excited fashion. I watched him go to a spot on the fence and stick his nose in the air and sniff and I knew there was trouble. I shined the flashlight on him and then up the fence above him looking for the antagonist.

Let me introduce:

Purl the Possum...

This photo was taken later, after I had run out into the yard chasing my dog away from Purl because the beast almost had Purl's unbelievably long tail in his mouth and then dragging my vicious dog into the house. The entire time from when I found Purl on the fence and chased my dog around, finally got him in the house and then went to get the camera... Purl never moved. She just sat there quietly, not making a sound. I wonder what she was thinking. At one point while chasing my dog away from Purl I was about 6 inches distant from her. I am not sure about rabies and if possums can carry it or even if they bite. I really didn't want to find out. I hope I don't have to start scanning the yard with a flashlight before letting the beastie out at night to pee...


1 comment:

Ohjeeze said...

Possum can bite and carry rabies. I know because we have a family living in or near our yeard. My beasts go nuts when they see them also.