14 September 2015

my day in pictures...

I cast on tonight for this shrug.  The book I ordered and talked about the other day is very intimidating, so I found something a bit easier to build up my confidence.  This will the the first thing I've knitted for myself that isn't a hat or scarf.  

I spent another hour in the garden today, pulling up weeds.  I am so entranced by those tiny morning glory blooms.  So, so lovely.  They are like little fairie blooms.

My veggie patch: four collard plants, the san marzano that still has fruit and blooms, a romaine lettuce and rosemary.  I have two more romaine plants in a big pot.  I've never grown lettuce so this is an experiment.  I should probably move those potted ones to the ground before frost.  Does lettuce overwinter like collards do?  I'd best get out my gardening books and do some research.

Lastly, a mixed media piece I've been working on for months.  It speaks to me a little at a time and so that is how I work on it.  I think I've just about figured out where it wants to go, so I've been working on that and other studio projects in between waiting for paint to dry.

A day filled with little things that make me happy.  I hope you have had a wonderful day.  What little things make you happy during your day?

thanks for stopping by, 
love & blessings

ps...I just want to say a big Thank You to those who commented on my last post.  Your words mean so very much! xo

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