09 September 2015

little bits of happy...

I made my first batch of roasted tomatoes and peppers today.  My house smelled so good and they are delicious.  I know I'll make more.  (I also made another batch of banana bread so as not to let my bananas go bad).  I'm trying very hard to not waste food.  I don't like to let even one little bit go to waste.  It seems like a very frivolous thing to do.

The sky today has put on quite a show.  Sun, clouds, even thunder.  Watching the storm clouds move in was a bright spot in my day.  

The morning glory vines are blooming and have the tiniest little flowers.  I do not recall ever having seen them so small.

More time spent in the studio today.  More playing in the kitchen.  Little spurts of time outside.  Glitter, paint, clay, scraps of paper.  These are things that mean happy to me.

I hope you have had spots of happy in your day.

thanks for stopping by, 
love & blessings

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