11 April 2007

Iceland bag

Well, I finished the knitting part of my Iceland Felt bag last week, but didn't get to sew it up until last night. Now all I have to do is felt it. That should be an interesting task. I'm not sure how it will look as I made a few mistakes along the way, but I've been told that it will all come out in the wash! :-)

So, now I'm trying to figure out what to knit next. I'm thinking of an afghan, because it will take me a while and I'd like to make something that I can curl up with. But I'm also thinking about a sweater for me because I need to take advantage of the class and work on difficult projects or learning projects.

Anywho, I have a big week this week...song practice on Friday night, yard sale on Saturday (and of course all the getting ready for the yard sale from now until then) and the women's group on Saturday night. Somewhere in there I have to get the yard mowed before Saturday morning, if it stops raining.

So, I'll try to get a before and after picture of the bag and post it when I can. I'm just not sure when I'll have time to stand over the washing machine to get it felted.


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