23 June 2023

blindly, madly...

wait...what is that i spy? could it be? behind the clouds? is that blue sky? and...yes, yes it is!  and...and...the SUN!  it has been days and days since i've seen the sun and i am very happy it is here.


i rushed out to the garden to see how things had fared.  poor mother of tomatoes.  they love her so much, they are swooping and swirling around her.  (i've NEVER seen so many little tomatoes in my garden In My LIFE)

 look at those babies! so cute! i can't wait to nosh on them...

the hosta is thriving, droopy blooms and all.  this plant i brought from the mountain house and stuck in a pot, hmmm...maybe 12 or 13 years ago?  a long, long time.  and it does so well!


 everything was so green and blooming madly that i just had to take a little twirl in my old/new flouncy dress.  i found it in the back of my closet a day or so ago and tried it on and it fit! yay!

so...this has been my day, except for a serious migraine attack that sent me back to my bed.  it took me 10 minutes of blindly, madly searching to find my ice pack and it turned out it was right in front of my face.

we're to have a couple of clear hot days this weekend before rain returns on monday.  i'm hoping to set my alarm and get in the garden suuuuper early to pull some weeds before the heat sets in.  i guess i'll have to turn my a/c back on too. :-(

oh well...

how's the weather where you are? (i know...i'm weird!)  any plans for the weekend?

love & magicks





1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hail Tomatoes, Full of Sauce!