19 June 2023


lately i've been going back to the very beginning of a blog i love and starting to read.  i was trying to figure out how long i've been reading this particular blog (at least 13 years!) and thought i could maybe figure it out from my own blog. 

i ended up falling down the rabbit hole of reading my own blog posts from the beginning. i noticed a lot of patterns.  things i've been noticing in other areas of my life. 

the thing i noticed the most was that i really enjoyed writing and the interactions with people who commented.


i'm back... :-)

how have you been?

thanks for reading...

love & magicks


ps...photo from my garden this year and it made me soooo happy!



Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's really great to meet you, Laura. I am so glad you are posting again so I can meet you properly.

I promise to comment, too! I know what you mean about falling down a rabbit hole, but since I have over 5,350 posts, it would take me a year to check out each one. Sometimes I find a topic (label) I like, like backgrounds, assemblages, or altered art and spend half a day reading what I wrote during that time.

That is a lovely photo of your blue and white flowers. Sorry. I have no idea what type of flowers they are, but they are beautiful.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Blogging gets in our blood and it's hard to stop! But yes, it's great to get comments on what we write, photograph or make art about!