03 November 2020

ten things on tuesday...

 - cold, cozy mornings warm my spirit...

 - gratitude notes are perfect for this week and i'm very grateful for them...

 - homemade sliders...

 - candles lighting my ancestor altar...

 - 3 hours of sketching last night and it turned out pretty good...

 - i finally understand bullet journaling, and i really love it...

 - making an effort to make sure my kitchen is clean before i go to bed every night, it makes mornings nicer...

 - clementines from the grocer...

 - fallen leaves crunching under my feet whenever i step outside...

 - starting to find football interesting again...good thing they're 7-0...

just a few random thoughts for today...

hope you have a wonderful day!


love, kisses & magical wishes...




1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Oh My Darling Clementine" is the song I think of every time I hear the fruit mentioned.