05 August 2020


The original title of this post was 'faffing' but I looked it up to be sure I had the meaning and discovered I was completely off.  I've seen it used on Instagram (a British word I think) and thought I understood the context as being to mess around with things to get them just so.  I guess what I was thinking about was what Americans call 'fussing' with something.  Faffing apparently is messing around with things that don't mean anything instead of doing what needs done.

Anywho...I guess we will call what I've been doing...fussing.  Even though I don't like that word.  I'll have to search for a word that I like.  Basically what I've been up to these last few days is cleaning little spots and moving things around to my best liking.  Not exactly re-arranging.  

Not honing, or decorating, or furbishing... maybe realigning is the best word for it.  Finding little things and adjusting them so they bring me joy.  There...that sounds right.

The top photo is of a corner in my kitchen.  The empty jar is usually filled with tootsie pops (I'm so addicted!) but I'm thinking of putting some of my shell collection in there or some colored glass.  I love that little corner.

Yesterday, I worked in my bedroom, washing the linens and adding my new (to me) old sheets I acquired from an account on IG (search shopbedrose).  I love the colors.  And of course, flowers always.  Now to find a new comforter or some old quilts.

So that's what I've been doing since Lughnasadh...realigning.  

I've been opening the blinds.

I've been doing night pages (the same as morning pages). 

I've been soaking in the tub with warm water, a little milk and a few sprinklings of amazing bath salts from Wild in the Woods.  (Her IG feed is MAGIC!)

I've been drinking lots of water.

And I've been taking leisurely strolls through the neighbourhood at dusk.

It's helping...every piece seems to help to realign my inside as well as my outside.

Well, I'm off to stretch my back and see what I can realign today.

Are you 'realigning' anything in your world? And what word would you use to describe it?

I hope you are all doing well.

thanks for stopping in for a read...

love & blessings

ps...I seem to be unable to answer/respond to comments. I used to receive them in an email to which I could reply.  Now it comes in as no reply emails.  I'm trying to find a way to respond.  (Any suggestions are appreciated).  Meanwhile, please know that your comments mean the world to me and I enjoy hearing from each of you...  ~*~  


Debra She Who Seeks said...

My Rare One calls it "putskying." I think this must be a uniquely Canadian slang term because it is not defined correctly on the internet. Or maybe it is just unique to her!

Magaly Guerrero said...

In my home, we have several names for it. But the most prevailing one is Playing House. I suspect people would get all sorts of ideas, if they heard us, but it works for us. Oh, we also call reorganizing my books Therapy. 😁

That is so weird about your comments. I just noticed that there is no “reply” tab on the computer, but it shows in the phone.

Magaly Guerrero said...

P. S. Is that an aloe plant in the first photo? It’s sooo straight!

Lowcarb team member said...

I have quiet days when I 'potter' and just take things easy.
A little tidying up here and there, perhaps some ironing ... nothing stressful.
Some may call it 'puttering'; language can be a funny thing!

Take care.

All the best Jan

Laura Bray said...

Found you in the comments of Posie Gets Cozy. Lovely little blog. I'll come visit again soon.