21 August 2020

10 things...



-- it's a grey, cloudy, rainy day; and i love it...

-- it's cool enough i can open the windows and listen to the rain fall and birds sing, autumn holds my heart... 

-- studio time is filling my soul right now, art journaling and mushroom repair...

-- i'm thinking of turning last night's journal spread into canvas or board... i'd love to hang some hope on the wall...

-- i need to find a desk - my studio table is not an option and the LAPtop is just not cutting it... so if i can ever make myself hit the thrift/antique/barnsale/fleamarket gig again, a desk is top of my list (of course where the hell would i set it up, is another question, for another day) 

-- i re-read a few of my old blog posts, some of the most read ones...reading them i realized i'm a better writer than i've let myself believe

-- i'm tired.  no really, i'm T I R E D.  always...no matter how much/well my sleep is, or hydrated i am or anything, i'm always exhausted.  like falling in the floor exhausted.  i should probably look into that, but who do i ask?

-- i miss blog tea parties...(and i missed an opportunity for one a few weeks ago)

-- night strolls at dusk are my magic, right now...

-- the search is on for my dream home...which means i've got serious wanderlust happening... 


so...how are you?

thanks for stopping in for a read...

love & blessings



Laura T. said...

Hi there! I saw your post by Vanessa. Good luck to you on the give away! I love the mushroom. I remember hers but I never gave it a go.I can't wait until it gets cooler here! It's going to be in the 90s & no rain! The average temp. now is supposed to be 82 not 94! I love fall & can't wait! I just saw your last post. I have a hard time falling asleep and I wake up a lot. My husband says not to look at electronics before bed. I like a warm bath but if I get too hot, I can't sleep. This might sound weird but after a bit of tossing & turning I get up & eat some peanut butter & almond milk. I looked it up once & there's actually something in it that can help you sleep I guess. Sometimes I can be so tired during the day that I can hardly keep my eyes open but the minute I lay down at night & the light goes off, I'm awake! I need to find a way to shut my brain off at night too. I need to learn to relax & not do a lot right before bedtime as well. Someone once recommended mindful meditation videos or ASMR videos to relax & sleep. I'm off to get my craft room in order! Good night to you! :o)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, those journal pages are lovely -- what a beautiful larger painting they would make!

Ricki Treleaven said...

I haven't art journaled in a long time, so you are inspiring me to start again.

You could host an online tea party. Maybe a fall-themed one or something, or maybe Halloween. I miss them, too. I miss blogging before social media ruined it.

I'm blogging more because for the most part it's more positive than the crazy on social media.
