18 August 2020



If you notice the time I published this post, you're probably thinking I got an early start to the day.  Well...



The insomnia fairie is visiting.  Again.  She was just here on Saturday.  

(Bitch needs to find a new place to hang)


I tried.  I really did.  

But after 5 hours of laying there, tossing and turning, I gave up.  And got up.

Now, don't think I lay in bed the entire 5 hours I was trying to sleep.  Oh no.  Not me.

After the first hour and a half, I got up for a drink of water and found two slugs in my kitchen around the sink.  Yep.  Slugs.  Ugh.  This is the 2nd time I've found slugs there.  They were relocated to the outside premises.  

I also told them to tell their friends the kitchen is CLOSED to their kind.  Yep, I'm being specie-ist about it.  My kitchen is HUMANS only.  

Anywho... after the slug removal (and wiping down of the counters - cause...eww) I worked on my current knitting wip.  Which I have taken to calling the sweater with no end.  Well only in my head.  And now here.  


I worked on that for about a half hour then tried the sleeping thing again.

No go.

After 45 minutes, I spent a little time scrolling my IG feed.

Then another sleep try.  


I got up and walked the house a few times.

Then I tried again.  I counted sheep (does that work for anyone?), I wrote this blog post in my head (and that version was more concise, go figure), I periodically turned on the twinkle lights to jot down whatever errand, recipe, idea, or thought that needed to be remembered.  As soon as the words were down, lights out. 


Nope.  No go.  No sleep for me.  (said like the soup guy from Seinfeld - not that I watched many episodes but I remember that one).

So, I'm out of bed for the day.  (Since 4am.)

I've done my morning pages.  Made my grocery list of the things I forgot at the 2 grocers I went to yesterday. Checked a recipe I want to try to see if I needed anything from the store (see what I did there), checked my email, checked my other email, checked yet another email and looked for anything new in my art groups on FB.  Oh and I caught up on my blog reading feed - which was only 1 post.  (I'm surprisingly caught up!)

So I thought...too early to go for a walk - why not blog!

Since I am and it was all wordy and such I decided the photo would be one you haven't already seen from my New Mexico trip last year.  (Unless you've been on my computer and looked through the 700+ photos I took.)  You haven't, have you? 

At this moment 1 year ago today, I was at the airport going through security.  I'm pretty sure I was sleepless then too.  But I had a little lorazepam in my system to help with the flying jitters. So, yeah.

So that's how my day is going.  How about you?

How do you soothe yourself to sleep if you have insomnia?  Tea? Warm bath? Cold shower? Wild sex? Drugs?

Tell me... I really wanna know... maybe your remedy will work for me. 

Thanks for stopping in for a read...

love & blessings



ps...I've noticed that the photos in the new format of blogger show up much larger than the old.  What do you think?  Are they too big?  Do you prefer the smaller photos or the larger?  Thanks for your input.  xoxo


Magaly Guerrero said...

I'm sorry insomnia is being such a bitch. I hope she gets the message soon and goes away. For me, there has always been only one remedy when it comes to sleeplessness: exercise until I drop. So, as you might imagine, my remedy is not available as readily these days. I can't do much exercise wise while recovering from surgery. Buy... I've gotten a lot of reading done, lol!

I don't mind the size of Blogger's new format. But I can't stand that I've yet to figure out how to sharpen the images.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like larger photos because they're easier for my poor old eyes to see! Luckily, I don't get insomnia all that often but when I do, I just get up and surf the net for an hour or two until I feel sleepy again.