My very first sweater is complete and is absolutely beautiful, even if I do say so myself. :-)
I'll post pictures tomorrow. I'm so tired right now, but I'm so excited to have completed it in the time period of the class. I'm also very excited to start the next knitting project. Hmmm...what to knit?
Guess I'll have to dream on it...
Off to bed now.
28 February 2007
27 February 2007
Crazy days..
Is it just me, or is everyone else experiencing craziness all around? Somehow I don't think it is just Mercury Retrograde that has everything spinning out of control, but maybe it is.
There is all kinds of fun stuff going on with new classes and spending more time with friends. And now my Grandmother is back in the hospital. They can't seem to find what is wrong with her and may not know until tomorrow.
Oh my. Anyway, just a short post to say hello and let everyone know I'm still alive. :-)
Tonight is the last knitting class in this section. I've signed up for another round that starts near the end of March. I'm almost finished with my sweater and am looking forward to being able to post the finished pictures soon. I'm really looking forward to giving it to my friend for her baby. I hope she likes it.
There is all kinds of fun stuff going on with new classes and spending more time with friends. And now my Grandmother is back in the hospital. They can't seem to find what is wrong with her and may not know until tomorrow.
Oh my. Anyway, just a short post to say hello and let everyone know I'm still alive. :-)
Tonight is the last knitting class in this section. I've signed up for another round that starts near the end of March. I'm almost finished with my sweater and am looking forward to being able to post the finished pictures soon. I'm really looking forward to giving it to my friend for her baby. I hope she likes it.
26 February 2007
Green Thumb Sunday (on Monday)
24 February 2007
21 February 2007
I returned from my trip late Saturday night and have been going non-stop ever since. Work, book clubs, knitting class and family have taken all my time and I have not been able to post or catch up on my blog reading. I hope to do both this week.
I'll leave you with a photo I took on my trip, the view from our hotel room balcony.

I'll leave you with a photo I took on my trip, the view from our hotel room balcony.

10 February 2007
I think I'm ready...but I can't sleep...
I think I'm about ready for my trip. I have my clothes packed minus a few pieces that are even now in the dryer. I still have to get my bath stuff together. It is ready, just needs to be put in a bag before I put it in my suitcase. I want to seal it so it doesn't spill all over my clothes. Can't find a big enough bag that I can seal. :-(
I think I've got all of my stuff that I need. I have two books, my camera and battery charger, my cell and charger, and clothes, bathing suit, cover up, etc.
I have to get up at 4:30 so that I can be ready at 5:15 when my dad gets here to pick me up. I'm not sure why I can't sleep. I have finished everything that I can and just can't sleep.
I'll not have pc access for a week and will post when I return. I did decide to not take my knitting because I just don't want anything to happen to it. Although, I did give serious thought to taking it when I found out our layover in the morning is 3 1/2 hours long. Ugh.
I'm off to Cancun...
I think I've got all of my stuff that I need. I have two books, my camera and battery charger, my cell and charger, and clothes, bathing suit, cover up, etc.
I have to get up at 4:30 so that I can be ready at 5:15 when my dad gets here to pick me up. I'm not sure why I can't sleep. I have finished everything that I can and just can't sleep.
I'll not have pc access for a week and will post when I return. I did decide to not take my knitting because I just don't want anything to happen to it. Although, I did give serious thought to taking it when I found out our layover in the morning is 3 1/2 hours long. Ugh.
I'm off to Cancun...
09 February 2007
It's that time again...

Above was my view from my hotel room last year in Cancun. We are staying at a different hotel and I am excited to see what the view will be this time. We leave tomorrow morning, early and I plan to take lots of pictures with my new favorite camera. The pictures will be much better this year.
Yes, I am still just as anxious about flying this time as I was last year. I hope that I am able to hold it together better this time around. I was a very nervous flier last year. The beast has been taken to the vet to stay while I'm gone (because of his shots) and all I have to do now is pack...finish the dishes, clean the litter boxes, make sure there is enough cat food and cat litter for the kids while I'm gone, figure out what to take with me - ie: books, mp3 player, knitting (?), etc. I have to be ready to leave at 5:15 tomorrow morning. Somehow... I don't think I'll sleep tonight. Oh, and I forgot I have to go to two banks and get that situated before I go.
I still can't decide if I'm taking my knitting with me on the plane. I did check the TSA website and according to it, I am allowed to take it on the plane. I just don't know. It is so relaxing for me and so much fun that I feel like I need it with me to help ease the jitters. On the other hand, if something were to happen to it I would be devastated. I'm so close to finishing it and it looks so good that I don't want anything to happen.
Anyway, I won't be posting for at least a week while I'm gone. The Internet service there is dial up and you have to sign up and "wait" for your time to use the computers, so I'll just wait until I get back to share all the gory, I mean, fun details.
07 February 2007
Knitting news and packing...

To the left you can see a full shot from the front. I can't tell you how happy I am to be working on the last section. I have joined the fronts, sleeves and back and am just working my way down to the bottom. It is all seed stitch from here except for ribbing the last two rows. :-)
(Wow! I'm so happy to actually know what seed stitch and ribbing mean!)

To the right we have a closer photo of one of the sleeves. I think this sweater is just so adorable and I love, absolutely love, the yarn colors. I can't wait to finish it and be able to give it to my friend for her baby girl. It is sized for a one year old so she may not be able to use it for a little while, but I don't think I'll be able to wait to give it to her. :-)
In other news, I found my passport! Yay! This is a very good thing, because I leave for Cancun on Saturday! Yes, I'm going back to Cancun! Wooo Hooo! I'm slowly working my way down the list of things I have to get done before I leave on Saturday and finding my passport was top of the list! I still have a ton of things to do and am not convinced it will all get done, but I'm working on it. I suppose I will have NO sleep the night before we fly out. Won't that be fun!
I'm sitting here getting ready for the UNC vs Duke game and am really hoping that UNC will play today. I was very disappointed in them on Saturday against NC State. They really should have played better. Only 15 minutes before the game. Yay! Go Heels!!
I almost forgot one other piece of news. I cut my hair. (Lana, I swear I'm not copying you!) I have had nothing but problems since I had it permed last July and I just couldn't take it anymore. When it takes 30 minutes just to comb out the tangles, that is just too much work. It is a little shorter than I wanted, but it will grow back. :-)
Here are the before and after pictures...

Alrighty...I have to start paying attention to the game now... the fights are starting up...
05 February 2007
There is just something...
...about this song that gets to me. I'm not sure what it is but I can't stop listening to it. I'm not fond of the video, but the song just speaks.
01 February 2007
Snow to sleet to bleh...

We started out with snow this morning, but we are now down to sleet and freezing rain. The snow was so pretty and I really wish it had stayed. I ended up coming home early from work because well...there just wasn't anything to do and I really didn't want to be there.
In knitting news, I finished the first sleeve of my sweater and am now stuck...again. The cast off of the sleeve came at the end of the first skein and now I'm supposed to knit on the back. Do I just tie the next skein onto the needle and start or do I tie it onto the first stitch of the row I'm going to start on? The teacher is at the shop tomorrow so I'll probably stop by there tomorrow to see what to do to get started on the next step. I hate to wait until Tuesday because I should have some time this weekend to work on it.
Tomorrow night is a circle event that I'm going to for Imbolc. I'm not sure how I feel about it because I don't like big groups and I hear there will be a lot of people. I feel like I'm never home anymore. It seems like there is something going on every night. Oh well...better to have stuff to do than to have nothing to do.
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