11 July 2023

homemade and homegrown...


- there have been lots of open-faced sandwiches with homemade bread. some with chicken salad and homemade pickles. some with peanut butter, banana and homemade cherry jam.

- i made a second batch of jam over the last few days.  it is yummy!  

- there has been tomato picking in my nightgown at dawn and eyeballing the lone sunflower survivor to see how quickly it is growing. i think it is over 7 feet tall at this point and maybe closer to 8.

- i'm riding the doombus every day (my term for cleaning/clearing out things)

- i feel like i'm drowning in cherry tomatoes. i'm putting them in salads, on nachos (with homegrown jalapenos), with ranch dip and other veggies and just popping them like chips. :-)

- long walks

- boho dresses and hiking boots

- a little bit of art making/playing

- there have been early mornings and late nights, along with horrible nightmares that leave me shaken all day

- flowers and journaling and wish making and reading...

that's my list of ten things on tuesday...

love & magicks





Debra She Who Seeks said...

Everything looks so tasty!

Bohemian said...

I've had to let the Wild Birds have a lot of my Cherry Tomato overage on the Vines as they shrivel up into Sun Dried Tomatoes I just couldn't pick in time or find use for.