01 July 2023

full of possibilities...


i read something this morning in a little email note from Michelle GD that landed in an odd place in my thinking.

    i needed to get out of my own way...

    my feelings are not my thoughts. i am not my thoughts...  

i spend a lot of time in my head.  i always have, even as a child, even when i shouldn't have.

part of what leads me to do, then stop, then do, then stop again and again, is being in my head. 

when i read the note that contained the above, i realized...i am in my own way.  i am the thing that stops me from living the life i want, doing the things that spark a light in me, being the human i am meant to be.

i need to get out of my own way...

while i was thinking about this post, composing a bit in my head (as one does) i kept thinking about how i've spent the past couple of weeks.

i've been doing things.

things that need to be done, things that i have put off due to anxiety about the effort it takes to do them, things that make my life easier, safer and filled with vitality, things that make me happy.

little steps, lead to bigger steps, lead to long walks along paths that are filled with fun, happiness, whimsy and love.

little things like bringing home new plant babies, finding adorable friends in the garden, the amazing beauty of growing things and turning an afternoon snack of peaches into a treat fit for a party.

i realized all these little steps were taken after getting out of my own way...

my feelings are not my thoughts...

i am not my thoughts...

despite what they say, despite how they try to trick me...

i can step out of my own way at any time and live my life.

such a simple thought, but full of possibilities...

i hope this first day of july finds you happy, healthy and safe.

sending you love & magicks...



ps...to those who have been commenting, i say thank you.  it means a lot. i've been trying to figure out how to send a response. but i'm a little out of the loop. :) 



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Congrats on checking things off your "to do" list. Feels good, doesn't it? I've checked a few items off myself the last couple of days.

karen said...

I'm in my head a lot as well. I find exercising gets me out of it sometimes and having a balanced day (not too much of anything at one time). Lovely to be in good company.

Bohemian said...

I can relate, I spend a lot of time in my Head too and it's not the best place to hang out.