07 July 2023

friday in the garden...

 just a few things i've found in the garden this week.  i'd all but given up on the cucumbers as they seemed to be going dormant. but today i found lots of little flowers, raggedy though they are.

on a walk this week i found a leaf the red/green/orange colors of autumn (but didn't take a picture). so when i found this yellow leaf tonight, it seemed strange.  it is way too early for autumn to come in down here.  we're spending our days in the 90's. sweltering even early am just as the sun comes up.

i pruned my rose bush early june, maybe late may, and she has been gifting me multiple blooms. unfortunately, the japanese beetles live near by and love to feast on my roses (and the sunflower leaves).  i pick them off whenever i find them. but the are good at hiding from me.

the black-eyed susans are blooming and the tomato bushes are loaded.  i pick a large handful of ripe tomatoes every day.  i've been gifting some to my neighbor, but i think i'm going to have to start freezing some as i just can't eat them fast enough. although, i'd like to try making homemade salsa.  i think i have everything i need except fresh cilantro (mine has already bolted and is going to seed).

anyhoo...that's where i've been a lot this week.  in the garden and in the kitchen (cherry jam, blueberry bread, julia child's white loaf bread).  i haven't tried the jam yet (tomorrow for breakfast now that i have that jc bread).  i still have to do something with the a load of cherries in my fridge (they'd been seriously on sale).  i'm thinking cherry bread and more cherry jam.  at the very least, i can pit and freeze them for use later.  the fruit bread is my Grandmother's recipe and is very easy.  You can substitute pretty much any fruit, at least, i think so.  in the past, i've made banana, apple, peach, pumpkin and now blueberry.  

that's enough of my rambling. i have a few things to do before i head to bed.  i'm trying to get up early, early in the mornings to get the garden watered, tended and get in a walk before it gets too hot.

thanks for stopping by...

love & magicks




Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that perfect rose! And it looks like your veggies are coming along great!

Bohemian said...

I'm catching up on your Archived Posts, since I haven't been Blog Reading as much lately. Your Images are beautiful of your Garden. None of my Veggies or Herbs did anything at all this Year, just the Cherry Tomatoes thrived in the Heat. I was so excited when an Artichoke sprouted, but, it has since given up the Ghost, I think I planted it too late.