Shall we go in and find the party? Well, look at that! I think that is a rabbit on that table. Let's go and see, hmm?
It is so bright in there! I wonder what that is...
There must be something going on in that room. Let's head on in. Hmm, the door seems to be locked. I guess we need a key.
What magical looking keys! Let's try one of these and see if it will work...

It worked! The door is opening! Look at that!

We've found the party! Let's go in!

She must have found a special treat! Ha Ha Ha! Oh, I'm feeling funny! the room shrinking? Oh no! I must have partaken of some of the bigger potion by mistake! Oh dear!

Well, it is a nice view...
I say, that hat looks familiar! The Mad Hatter must have already been here and he brought a furry friend! I wonder why he left his hat behind.
Oh look at those lovely chocolates. Chocolate is one of my favorites, don't you know. Can I pass you one... or two?

So many wonderful treats to try. Oh, I'm feeling funny again!
Hmm... look at that, is that punch? I think I might have some of that. It is rather hot outside.
Look at the grin on this cat! He must be the Cheshire Cat's cousin. I'd say hello, but he appears to be sleeping. Oh dear... I think I'm shrinking! Don't drink the punch!
Does this rabbit look hungry to you? I promise, Mr. Rabbit, I would not make a good meal! I'll just take this little cake with me and run, before Mr. Rabbit gets a good look. Lovely seeing you!
I hope you have had a fun time here at my little version of The Mad Tea Party. I'm so pleased you could visit. I hope that you will come visit me again soon. Please don't forget to visit the Hostess with the Most-est, Miss Vanessa over at A Fanciful Twist.
Take a treat for later! Just be careful of the punch! :-)
love & blessings