20 March 2025

consider me mama bear...

Back in February, I mentioned that you may see some political writing on here.  Well, today is the day, for now.

Part of me has always secretly been ashamed of being American.  I've never been able to accept the way that people have been treated.  We were supposed to be built on equality, but that only seemed to exist for privileged white men. It wasn't just the African people or Afro-Carribean who were enslaved. The Irish, Scots, Welsh, Chinese and Indigenous peoples were slaves as well, but no one talks about that.

When I started doing my family history research way back some 30 years ago, I was always surprised by how few ancestors I found that were slave owners.  I suppose it was because they were quite poor and probably couldn't afford it.  I did find a lot of them fought in the Civil War as Confederates.  I wish I could go back in time and ask them why.  I've yet to come across any old diaries, letters, etc., that would provide any clues.

Growing up, none of my immediate family (aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.) were out right racist.  At least, not on the surface.  I remember being very young, staying at my aunt's house (she kept me while my parents were at work) and listening to my 3 male cousins (all older) talk about how many "n" were moving into the neighborhood.  My four-year-old mind was horrified.  I asked why they said that, and I don't remember ever getting an answer.

Yes, I am from the south, but I am no southern belle. I grew up in a racist family that tried to hide their racism from the outside world. But I never thought of people as anything but people. 

Okay, I'm veering off topic a little, but the past influences the present, right?  I'm having such a VERY HARD TIME interacting with my family due to the current political climate and some health issues some of them are having.  I don't want to be accused of "triggering" a death or bad episode for those that are ill.  

I cannot understand how someone with a working brain cell, could continue to stand by the traitor in the cake house and his overlord and puppeteer.  I truly believe that all that is happening is to break us down so that when he hands Russia the keys to this kingdom, we are too tired to fight back.

I cannot understand, as the Traitor and Puppeteer are SUCH A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the Constitution and the continuation of this country as a democracy, that they are still in power.  Why have they not been removed?  What will it take for the political leaders to step up and have him arrested for treason, inciting insurrection, etc., etc...

I posited this question on substack the other day and the only response was this meme:

Does that mean that I can walk into the cake house and make a citizen's arrest?  Would that work?  If we surrounded the cake house with thousands calling for a citizen's arrest of the traitor, the puppeteer, and anyone colluding with them (ie: republican congressmen/women, republican senators and some dems, his entire staff, every cabinet member)?

Who would do the arresting? Where would they be housed? How can it be accomplished with no violence or bloodshed or vandalism?  I truly think that is the difference between the moogoos and those who oppose the traitor.  One side not only incites violence, but revels in it, while the other would prefer to handle things without violence.

But let me make one thing very clear.  If left with no choice but violence, consider me mama bear and America my cubs.  I think there are a LOT of us who feel that way.

I think the REAL reason we haven't had a woman president yet is because men and women (especially the meek, tradwife type) is terrified of being shown up. The men, terrified of having their legacy upstaged by a woman.  And the women, well, they don't want to realize just how weak they've been.

So... who's in?  Time for the traitor to be removed and executed for his crimes.  The overlord can go back to his country and know that we will NEVER submit to him.  And the puppeteer heavily fined for crimes against the people, have his citizenship revoked and be prosecuted for falsifying the application to begin with, and sent to a black site prison for the rest of his days where he will have no access to anything technological or electronic.  

I am so proud of the countries around the world that are standing up to this insanity and preparing themselves for what could come.  Thank you.  We know you aren't against us, the general populace. But that you stand with us as we figure out how to get out of this situation.

I know this is a long rambling type of post, just what I'm known to do.  But this is important stuff.  This is life and death stuff. Not just here, but around the world.  We need help to fight this.  If any of them come to your country for meetings, have your government arrest them for treason, insurrection, etc. 

Oh, and another thing which I love how is being handled, is countries removing US products from their shelves. I'm using this flier below as my guideline of what I can and can't buy.  I've canceled my Amazon Prime account that I've had since Prime began, I'm refusing to shop in certain stores and trying very hard to find other places to purchase needed items and I'm trying to follow the if it doesn't have to be brand new, then thrift for it.

If you made it this far, thank you for reading.  I hope I didn't go too rage monstery on you.  :-)

thanks for stopping by, 

love & blessings
always & forever

ps... we'll be back to seeds and gardens and art and collections of nifty things next time. :)

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It seems like the whole world is in a state of topsy-turvy flux right now. Those who see clearly what the situation truly is and entails are sounding the alarm, like you, so please keep it up! Only time will tell how best to rectify the situation. In the meantime, we must remain true to our values and ourselves.