07 November 2023

really sleepy...

 a painting from last week, part of my book of days art journaling for last week.

it's been a pretty quiet day. i ran a few errands this morning and spent the rest of the day arting and cleaning the kitchen in preparation for delivery of my new range. my delivery window is 7:30-11:30 in the MORNING. ugh!

on my walk this evening, i had another scary low. not as bad as the last one. i was able to finish my walk and get myself home, though.  maybe i need to eat before i walk. idk...

that's all i've got for today. i'm really sleepy and i need to get up really early to get everything done the delivery.

thanks for being here...

love & magicks




Debra She Who Seeks said...

If you don't eat before walking, then at least carry some Dex4 glucose tablets with you in case of a surprise low. I always have some in my purse, just in case.

I love your art style!

karen said...

beautiful artwork! I have upped my protein and and that helps me on my walks.

Holly said...

I love the texture in this piece. I'm excited your getting a new stove, ours is still no bake oven, so we got a toaster oven for small batch baking.