02 November 2023

walking through fallen leaves...

one of my favorite things about autumn is the sound of walking through fallen leaves. i love that crunchy sound. the tree in my front yard has dropped most of her leaves in my driveway and the little strip of yard. i know the landscapers will come through and remove them all soon, so i'm enjoying them as much as possible.

the colors of autumn found their way into my art journal for this weeks Book of Days spread. i'm really enjoying this form of documenting my days each week. plus, it helps me with building my art skills as i'm spending more time arting. :-)

Debra asked me what book i was reading in yesterdays post, so i thought a current reading wip photo would be good. the book from yesterday is Cerridwen by Kristopher Hughes.  i'm currently reading from all in this stack except The Morrigan and Put Your Anxiety Here.  i tend to read non-fiction very slowly. (i don't know why) A Spell in the Wild is broken down into monthly sections and i started reading it thinking to read each month during the particular month, but... :-)

what i'm really loving is Moonlight Graditude.  it is a book of nightly gratitude practices/prompts to ruminate on at bedtime.  i keep it beside my bed and love reading each night.

so that's a little snippet of life for today. hope you are having a great day.

thanks for being here...

love & magicks



1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a wonderful stack of delightfully witchy books!