09 July 2019


I'm trying to recover from a couple of really bad days.  These photos are from last week, maybe the one before.  I find myself having breakfast on the patio often, especially on cool mornings.  That same morning, I prepped a nice batch of green beans.  It brought back a lot of good memories from my childhood, helping my grandparents.

That last photo isn't very good.  I took it from inside the house of a little bird taking some nesting materials.  I need to find out what kind of bird it is.  

Anywho...I haven't taken a picture yet, but some little thief stole my tomatoes from the garden.  They were so big and starting to turn.  :-(  I suspect the squirrels.  Well, maybe better vigilance will protect the others.  

I made my first batch of refrigerator pickles today.  My handyman had brought me some cucumbers and I had one ready to pick.  I used this recipe.  I sure hope they turn out. 

I think that's all for today.  I hope to be back soon.

thanks for stopping in for a read...
take care...

love & blessings


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Breakfast on the patio -- sounds lovely! Food always tastes better when eaten outdoors.

Lowcarb team member said...

I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
Eating outside can be so enjoyable - make the most of good weather while you can!

All the best Jan

Magic Love Crow said...

I love your photos! That little bird is so cute! Take care of yourself! Enjoy your breakfasts on the patio! Big Hugs!