21 October 2012


 First, I'd like to say thank you to everyone that left a comment or messaged me about my last post.  Things were better the next day and I have been very conscious of what mistakes I made and not making them again.  Without going into detail about the situation, what it all boils down to is habits.  Bad habits, in this case.

Thinking about the situation and trying to find a fix for it led me to much contemplation about how our habits develop and how we can change them.  When I have a bad habit that I need to deal with, I find the best way is to replace the bad habit with a good habit.  To consciously focus on replacing the negative with a positive.  It isn't easy, that is for certain.  But it is something that can be accomplished. 

There is a blog that I follow that I just love.  It is called "habit" and can be found here.  Give it a look, you may find you like it too.

I'd been meaning to post early in the week, to let everyone know I was fine, that things were better.  And they were.  Well, then they weren't.  This past Monday morning I received word that a good friend had died suddenly during the early morning hours.  It was amazingly shocking.  She was a lovely friend to my mum and I had spent a lot of time with her and we'd become friends as well.  She had such an amazing eye for decorating, color, etc.  She was an artist of the home.  A few weeks ago, she gave me a painting that she didn't want anymore.  When I look at this painting I will always she her beautiful smile.  That afternoon we walked to her home (she lived in the same neighborhood with my mum) and as I was walking past the side of her home, I glanced down and saw a bright red feather lying there.  I swear she saw us coming and left that feather there just for me.  She was just like that feather - so I collected it and it is now on my ancestor altar along with the program from her service.  I will soon print out a photo of her and place it there as well.  It is hard watching my mum and her friends hurting so over their close friends passing.  It will take a long time for this to get easier. 

Anywho, it will probably be quiet here for the next week or so.  I was to participate in the Halloween Party that Vanessa is hosting but had to back out.  I'm going on an adventure Thursday and am so looking forward to it.  I promise to return with lots of photos and stories to share.  Maybe even some new art! 

Have a wonderfully magical week and I'll see you soon!


ps...Sorry for no photos in today's post.

pps...Go here and read the article.  It is amazing!  It will change your life, if you let it.  I love the concept and started it today.  Believe it or not, practicing this helped me get through a very difficult day, a little bit easier.  It will take some time to be better at it, but it is wondrous!  Thanks to the fantastic Lesley Riley who shared it on her Facebook page yesterday!


Anonymous said...

I want to extend my sympathies to you about the loss of your dear friend. So glad that the picture and the feather are giving you some comfort. I look forward to checking out those pages you talked about.

Take care Dea

Bobbypin Bandit said...

I am so very sorry to know you have lost a friend to the spirit world. Your memories and love for her are immortal, though. I am glad you will always find her smile in that painting.

I hope you have fun on your adventure. I won't be able to join my sister's Halloween party, either, but it's alright. There will be more parties for us to attend!

Sending love and good energy your way!

Ms Misantropia said...

If there is anything I know it is this - there are good days, and then there are BAD DAYS. Sometimes my depression keeps me from appreciating love. One make mistakes, one says something hastely, or one judges someone. SDOm
You don't see it then, and you might not see it now - but there is a tomorrow. Your emotions will change, sometimes with every moment, at least with every hour, and certainly with every day.