october is going by too quickly for me... i want more fall days (i know november will have them but they just aren't quite the same as october fall days...)
the past two weeks have been a blur...hospital was not a pleasant experience...i had a male version of nurse ratchet who insisted that he had to push down on the incisions at my groin every 15 minutes...i swear i wanted to rip his arms off or better yet a lower portion of his anatomy. the surgery was a bust, as the pressure gradient was in the quite normal range and so no stint was placed. this leads us back to the drawing board completely and makes me very sad. i must admit i placed all my hopes for any relief on this stinting happening and clearing up the flow and thus relieving the pain...
my neurologist has given up now and turned me over to the other neuro-specialist that he recommended me to whom i can't get in to see until early december...i've called their office and practically did i beg for them to see me sooner or at least prescribe something! i am off on tuesday to the optical specialist to see about the other issues that have been discovered throughout this process that are "unexplainable"... i am quite seriously sick of doctors and tests, aren't you?
a few days of recovery at home after hospital and i was whisked off by my mum with a couple of her friends for a few days stay in our mountain home. it was wonderful to go and be there, i know i've expressed before my absolute love of those mountains and our home there. the weather lovely (i could have done with a bit colder during the day) the nights were fabulously chilly and allowed for roaring fires...

leaf turning peak is a big deal up there and we arrived near to peak, i believe

we spent several days shopping...going from store to store and town to town. i was so exhausted each night but instead of getting to rest, we played games until late at night. the last night we were there i went to bed early (around 10:45) and was awoken at 1am to the sounds of something crawling across the ceiling...seems the day before when we'd had the handyman come round to patch some holes in the fascia at the roof he ended up trapping a raccoon in the attic! it sounded HUGE and PISSED! i removed myself to the downstairs and stayed on the couch until morning as i just new it was going to claw it's way through my wall right at my head... but it seems s/he made an escape between the wee hours of 4am and 7am by knocking a board out of the attic fascia on the outside of the house. the handyman came back after we had left for home and was going to set a live trap so as to be able to set him/her free somewhere else if he/she returned. he's not called us so we take this to mean the bugger did not get back in the attic.

there were lots of displays all over town, lots of cute shops and cute items i wanted to purchase. the only thing i bought was a hat...i found one that actually looked good on my, a first! and so had to have it! i also found the most marvelous chocolate shop...i did get any pictures but when i go back i will ask if they will let me take some...it was a cross between Sally's shop in Practical Magic and Vianne's shop in Chocolat...and it was all decorated for halloween...so lovely!
i've finally caught up on all my blog reading...it took several days and i'm enjoying all the parties that i missed...you are all so very creative!
there is much to do this week, more doctors, meetings with people from work and our benefits to apply for disability (did i mention my leave from work has been extended through january) and there is lots of yard work that needs to get done. i'm even hoping to possibly get some garlic planted...maybe...
I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues. It's as amazing as it is frustrating, how some doctors seem unwilling to help and how easily others will throw in the towel on a rough case. Having a few oddball health issues of my own, I feel your frustrations. Sending you lots of love and healing energies. <3
As for October, I agree! It's going by far too quickly. Summer and Winter seems to be encroaching on Autumn more than usual this year.
It amazes me, despite the let-down of the medical stuff, you are able to still focus on the good stuff. I am so glad you have leave extended through January and am glad you will keep pursuing answers through the medical world too! I'm sorry you went through all you did to have no improvement but am so very glad to know you went to the mountains and got away for a bit. I've also been thinking of putting the garlic in, maybe this week! I'll think of you as I do it for sure and will continue to send healing thoughts your way. You are an amazing woman, I must say and you should be proud of yourself.
Forgot to say--GO STEELERS!!!! Hope they can take care of Miami tomorrow!
Sorry to hear that surgery didn't clear up the problem. I hope the next round of tests and consultation will reveal what needs to be done.
Glad you had a bit of a getaway in a lovely Autumn and Halloweeny setting. Not to mention raccoony setting.
Your hospital travails sound awful, but there was so much of beauty and warmth in what followed that you must be somewhat consoled. Sorry you're still stymied, but not in spirit.
i am sorry the surgery did not solve your problems~and you had a less than nice time while there~i think my operation did more than expected for its possible it pushed me into an early menopause~the hot flushes are dreadful!
sounds as if you had a wonderful time away~a mountain home sounds so perfect to me!
so very sorry to hear of your health problems, and I too wish for a longer October! I do think its by far the most lovely month!
I hope that you get strength back and all your health issues disappear. Only good thoughts are on there way. Your getaway sounds amazing and beautiful and maybe with everyones positive thoughts will help your recovery.
HUg and sparkles to you..wishing you comfort and healing! You are going thorugh such a hard time...thinking of you!
beautifu photos...really dazzling..that fire looks very cozy too!
Have a sparkling day
I've only just found your blog but I'm sorry to learn of your health problems (I'll read backwards and catch up). I hope things resolve quickly for you (and you get better care from the hospital).
Hi Laura! I'm sorry your surgery didn't go as planned. I wish I could take away the pain and suffering you endure. I admire your positive spirit and strength. Yes, October flew by so fast. Love the photos you shared. Blessings to you my friend! :)
hello there.
i'm hoping for you that you find some answers soon with your heakth issues.
the mountain stay sounds perfect. sans raccoon crawling above your head!
I just wanted to say thankyou for such lovely words on my blog, but then I popped over here and saw that you were unwell - I hope that you are feeling better now. It sounds like a very trying time for you. Those mountains in the photo look incredible, and the roaring fire, medicine for the soul. What a beautiful place to be able to escape to. It's so lovely to meet you, and I hope you feel better really soon x
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