I don't know about you, but I'm glad that the holiday season is winding down. This time of year is very difficult for me and I am always glad to see it end. The only thing that I like about this time of year, is the weather. Well, usually. Living in the south, we don't get much in the way of snow and our cold spells tend to be short-lived. We've already had a wonderful snow and the temps have stayed so cold that there was still quite a bit left on the ground on Christmas Day.
Our family is very small so we don't have much in the way of celebrations. My mum, brother and sister-in-law get together on Christmas Eve to exchange gifts. This year, thanks to all the illnesses of my kids and the economy, I just wasn't able to do much for anyone. My sis-in-law and I had agreed not to spend much on each other, just a few simple things. However, I discovered when I opened my gifts that my brother had overruled her and that "he wanted to do something special" for me. They gave me some cool Steelers related stuff, including an Official Myron Cope Terrible Towel. Then in the smallest box, was a picture of a composter and kitchen scrap collector that I've been wanting for a while now. I was shocked and well, really touched.
My mum and I went round and round the past few months about gifts. She kept asking me for my list and I kept telling her that the renovations on the house this summer was my gift for the next few years. I finally gave in and gave her a "wish list". I made certain to put several things on it that I knew she wouldn't get because they are expensive. I also put a few things that were not expensive, like thermal underwear and slippers. Well, she surprised me and gave me three things from my list that were not cheap. I was only able to get her one gift, and it really wasn't much. I feel so bad that she spends so much money on me and I can't do for her what I want.
Here are a few of the things I received...

This I have been wanting for years. It's still in the box, because I have such a small kitchen and little counter and cabinet space, I have to figure out where to put it. But once it comes out...the baking and cooking really begin.

My first Le Creuset piece. I'm also dying for one of the dutch ovens, but that will have to wait.
I received two chairs to add to my dining table, this way I can serve at least four people, along with The Pioneer Woman's cookbook, Photoshop Elements 8, and various and sundry things.
The rest of our family (uncle and cousins) came in on Sunday and we had our meal and gave the children their presents. Then most of them went shopping and the rest of us watch the Steelers game (Yay for a win!). Whenever they come down (which is two or three times a year), mum and I slave away to prepare a meal when everyone complains that it is too much and then they go shopping. We end up seeing them for about two hours and the kids are glued to their gameboys or ds and we can barely get a word out of them. I honestly just don't think it is worth all the effort that we put into it.
I tried this year, I really did. I put up the tree right after Thanksgiving. I decorated the house and participated in holiday activities at work. I did lots of holiday baking and tried to be there not only physically but mentally for family things. It just feels like such a sham.
That is how my holiday went, slowly when I wanted quick and quick when I wanted slow. It is almost over. The tree will come down tomorrow and all the holiday stuff will get put away.
I hope that you had a wonderful holiday.