03 February 2025

winter mornings...

there is one thing that happens in my home every winter.  when the temps drop to freezing or below, the kitchen faucet has to drip.  yep...any and every time.  a week or so ago, it had to drip for 4 days straight.  after the first year or two, it made me wonder how much water i was wasting.

last year, i collected as much as i could and would use it to water plants, cook and clean stuff.  since i have to sleep with a cpap, i use a lot of distilled water and had collected a lot of the gallon jugs.  so, when the freezing began, i started my collection.

i use this funnel and container to collect and then pour into the gallon jugs.  so far, i've collected about 30-40 gallons total (maybe a little more).  the photo below is just part of the collection.  when i realized how much i was accumulating, i started numbering them so that i use them in the order collected.  i even went so far as to pull out my old britta pitcher and filters so i can drink it, too. it's absolutely crazy how expensive our water is and i just couldn't stand to see all this just go down the drain.  

just a little way i try to do my part for our environment...

 how i start my mornings... my journal, an oracle deck and on this particular day a lovely cup of peppermint hot chocolate (it's usually a glass of water, but it was reallyyyyyyy cold that morning).

anywho...how are you all fairing during the apocalypse?  i'm keeping my head in my heart as much as i can and doing whatever i can to keep myself from going insane.  

well, that's all for today.  i'm hoping to share some photos of my living area soon (i found a place for the tree! it's going to stay up year-round and be a seasonal tree).  i've rearranged and managed to get my art area set up more to my liking and also in a more useful manner.

thanks for sticking around...

love & kisses & magical wishes...


1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Very wise of you to collect the dripping water so it doesn't go to waste! I assume the taps have to drip in order to avoid freezing. We don't have to do that in Canada (where it's below freezing for many months at a time) because we insulate our pipes.