02 January 2023

right now...

right now...

the sun is spreading that odd golden light of winter over the limbs of the trees...

i can't seem to get warm.  my fingers and toes feel chilled in the bones even though it is 60 degrees (F) outside (and 68 in my house)...

i'm spending a lot of time on zillow, dreaming of a needed change...


earlier today...

a neighbor asked me about my art, and i was surprised and mortified.  she asked in front of the landscaping guys and i mumbled that i pretend to be... i need to think about that reaction...



i spent time with the art witches and it felt good...

i made my usual southern new years day meal, but just for me (and a plate for my mum). and now i think i have enough food to eat for a month that i can just reheat...


right now...

the sun is slowly receding and the light is changing...


right now...

i'm sending you...

love & magicks





Lisa said...

Beautiful writing.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"art witches" . . . sounds fun and magickal!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I'm sending you love right back, my friend.

And that bit about pretending, well... think about it if you must, but I think is nonsense. Art is art and artists are. You are.