So much has been happening lately. I've been getting a lot done around the house. The painter started two Saturdays ago. He can only work on Saturdays so it will take a little while. (He's family, so it's okay.) :-)
My favorite and most needed project was completed a little over a week ago. I just haven't had a chance to post about it.
This is the view of my NEW FENCE from the back deck.

From the front side yard (this is the side that the neighbor that doesn't like me lives on...

The other side of the new gate...

Ever since the fence was finished I've spent as many hours of sunlight in my yard as I can. If you look closely in the pictures of the front above, you can see the mulch I added to the beds. It took me two days to finish, but it looks so much better. I've also been weeding in the back yard and working on the garden and getting it ready to plant. I just need to get it tilled, then I can start planting.
I'm really enjoying being outside now. It is nice to be out there and not feel so self-conscious of my neighbor looking in my yard and watching me work. I'll leave you with a few of my favorite pictures I've taken lately.
I hope you are all doing well. I'm trying to get caught up with blog reading too.
