11 May 2007

I have been knitting...

...I just don't have any picture to show yet. I'm working on the first of sixteen panels for this afghan. I think it is going to be a year long project. It will definitely move slowly during the spring and summer months. I'm spending so much time in my yard that I don't have the time or energy to work on it when I get in at night. I still have about 6 inches to go on the first panel. Ugh...

I'll try to post pictures this weekend.

Yesterday I was finally able to get to the store and get my vegetables for the garden. Here is what I ended up with:
2 cherry tomato plants
1 beefmaster tomato plant
1 green bell pepper plants
2 habanero pepper plants
2 cayenne pepper plants
2 zucchini plants
2 squash plants
1 jalapeno plant.

My original list had 1 of everything except the bell peppers and jalapenos. I was going to get 2 bell pepper plants and no jalapenos since I have so many in the freezer. But, I was just overwhelmed at the store. All the plants I listed above cost me just under $7. I couldn't believe it! I got my plants from them last year and they all did so well. I can't wait to see what happens this year. Oh, I forgot to mention the onion sets. :-)

I got everything in the ground last night except for the onion sets. I hope to get them in this weekend, but things are going to be busy. I have to bake tonight for dinner tomorrow night, then shopping for my trip to NOLA, dinner tomorrow night for mother's day, and of course, Sunday is Mother's day so I will end up spending the day with my mother and grandmother.

Anyway, somewhere in there I have to mow and do laundry. :-)

I'll try to check in later.



Ohjeeze said...

I'll come over for the great slsa you will make with the tomatoes and pepers.

RUTH said...

The blue flowers look a little like Corydalis but I don't think the leaves are right. The tree is Cotinus (Smoke Bush) I think.