03 January 2025

keeping up 2024...

one of the things i did, sort of, keep up with was my yearly journal/planner...  i could never figure out what to call it.  it is a journal, it is a planner (calendar pages, etc), i put art in it, it's part bullet journal too.

i started working with these a few years back, inspired by a favorite art teacher.  it starts with just a plain composition notebook and grows from there.  when i first started i would switch to a new notebook whenever the current one was full.  then in 2023, i took the covers off a second notebook and taped the books together so it is all one book per year.

as you can see in the photo below, it becomes quite large and unwieldy.

2024's planner/journal

near the end of october i started thinking about how to make this a bit smaller, not necessarily in bloom but in just general size.

so this is what i came up with for this year.

last year (on left) and this year (on right)

so far, i'm really liking the smaller size.  the new one is a Moleskine Cahiers lined journal. they only have 80 pages so i have no idea how many i'll end up needing to get through the year.  but i decided i would glue covers together and just keep building the depth.

only three days into the new year and new journal/planner and it is already blooming wonderfully.

after spending a year calling it my planner/journal, a journner, and my life; i've decided to call it my collective.  it's not a grimoire or a book of shadows, so collective sounds nice.

anyhoo...that's it for today.

though i did want to let Debra know that i agree with her comment, chocolate is definitely the way to go. :-)

love & kisses & magical wishes...



01 January 2025

guess who's back? back again...

yep...it's me...

i'm still alive and making my way back into the world of blogging and well, the world.  let's just say that 2024 was not my best look.  i was pretty agoraphobic there for a while, but i was able to get some help and am feeling much, much better.

anyhoo... here are a couple of pictures from the end of 2024 (ie: yesterday) and the first day of 2025. 

Death by Chocolate Cheesecake my sister-in-law and i made yesterday. 

Ours isn't very pretty, but it's only our second ever attempt at a cheesecake, so.  Click the link above if you want to see what it is really supposed to look like and get the recipe.

ps...it is soooooooo good!!  


new year's day sunset...

I laughed when i got to my blog and saw that the last post was also a sunset, but new year's eve.

that's all for now...i've really missed being here and missed reading all the blogs that i follow/followed.  i wonder who's still here in bloglandia.

happy new year to you and i hope that this year will bring peace, love and hope into our lives.

love & kisses & magical wishes...


ps...anyone else have "Houdini" in their head after reading the title of this post?  :-)