01 August 2023

blessings on lughnasadh...


the first of august.

to me, the beginning of autumn.

yesterday, i refreshed my altar (really, i took it down and completely redid it) and set it up for the autumn season.  i'm not sure why, but the first harvest on 1 august (lughnasadh) has always felt like the change of season.  i'm that way with all the seasons.  to me, winter begins on the first of november (samhain), spring on the first of february (imbolc) and summer on the first of may (beltane).  four of the eight pagan sabbats.

the other sabbats: yule, ostara, litha and mabon are all mid-points between seasons. it's just how it has always felt to me.

so...autumn season decorating, planning and celebrating have begun here.

at sunset last night, i lit the middle (orange) candle on my altar and will leave it burning until sunset tonight.  then i will light it for a little while each day all through the autumn season, as a way to acknowledge the harvests that i have reaped this year.

today, i made a third recent attempt at this recipe. i've been making it for years with no problems, but the last two times it has been an epic failure.  as you can see from the second photo, today was a success. (although, i did forget to cut the x into the top so mine didn't bloom)

after sundown i'll take a chunk out to the trees and leave as an offering.  i'd put it on my altar but currently i'm under an ant invasion and don't want to give them more reason to stick around.

on sunday i spent time with the art witches and completed the painting in that last picture.  i was just playing around but really enjoyed it and am happy with it.  while i was working i came to the realization that every painting does not have to have 5 layers, or complex images, etc.  simple can be fun and beautiful. 

i did another painting yesterday in the same theme and will probably share it later. 

for now, i wanted to say hello to august, and to you.

wishing you and yours a blessed lughnasadh.  may all your harvests be plentiful.

thanks for being here,

love & magicks



1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lughnasadh blessings to you! I love seeing how you've decorated your altar for autumn -- beautiful! And that bread photo is making me hungry. Thanks for providing the link to your art witches! I will spend some time looking at the site. And I love your painting too -- the dark and white perimeters around each colour really make it POP!