26 April 2007

Kitty update

It seems that my beautiful sweet Jade (who by the way is 14 not 12) has a tumor in her nasal cavity that is eating away at the bones. Right now there is nothing I can do. I am giving her an antibiotic and she is on pain medication. We are waiting until Monday for the Radiologist to read the x-ray to be certain that is what is wrong. Once it is confirmed I'll have a decision to make. I don't know what that will be.


(cross-posted on my other blog)
Please keep my sweet kitty Jade in your thoughts. When I went to feed her this morning she was on the washer (her favorite place) and it was covered in blood and she had blood running out her nose. She has been sneezing up blood and there is also blood coming out of her ear. I had to leave her at the vet this morning and I have no idea what is wrong or what will come of it. I'm anxiously awaiting news.

Please send healing energies to her. She is a sweet 12 year old.


(cross-posted on my other blog)

24 April 2007


My Doctor did call within half an hour and said to go home and take benadryl. I actually stayed at work, but I did come home and take the med. I'm still feeling a little sick, but not as bad as before.

I did go to knitting class and started my afghan. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow and post them. I've only knit about 6 or 7 rows, but at least I've started.

Thanks for the comments and concern, I appreciate it.


Gardening is fun...

Last night after work I spent 3 and 1/2 hours working in the yard. I planted a lilac, snowball and two small camellia's that my mum had brought from her house. I also got the parsley, woodruff and foxglove planted. Oh, and I moved my hydrangea to another (better) location. We also dug up some dead trees and cleaned out some borders.

I sure hope that the stuff I planted lives! I love lilac and the snowball is from a plant that was at my Grandmother's house (my paternal side) so it is very, very special to me.

Right now I'm sitting in the office (alone) trying to breathe. This morning I went in to the doctor for blood work and check up and explained that I have had a migraine for two and 1/2 weeks. So, he gave me a cortisone shot. About an hour ago, my throat started closing up and my tongue started to feel swollen and my chest started feeling very heavy. The symptoms haven't gone away, in fact they seem to be getting worse. I now have a weird sick feeling in my stomach, not like a nauseous feeling, just sick. Anyway, I called the doctor's office and left a message as they were closed for lunch. My migraine is getting worse and my vision is getting blurry. I hope they call soon.

My post feels very naked without a picture... so here is a picture of the beast in one of his calm states. He actually did very well this weekend laying in the sun and being quiet while I worked. It was nice. Now if he would just be like this all the time! :-)

Isn't he cute?!?


22 April 2007

Green Thumb Sunday

What a busy weekend! And the best part is that I've spent all weekend working in the yard! I had forgotten how much I like to do that. For our photos today we will start with my inspiration for all the yard work.

The state herb society had a sale last Thursday and this is what I got. From the top left, we have Lemon Verbena, Rue, Italian Basil, Woodruff, Wormwood, Sedum Dragon's Blood, Feverfew, Iboko, Eucalyptus and Curled Parsley. Oh and there's a Foxglove in there too.

So, I started by weeding out the herb bed. I also mowed the yard and replanted several plants that I had inside. I don't have a picture of the completed herb bed, but I have spread straw throughout to help keep the weeds down. I also have placed several of my new plants to go in there, but haven't planted them yet. I still need some top soil and compost to mix in when I plant them.

I spent most of today tilling up my vegetable garden. At first it looked like this...

After I had taken the fence down and dug up the garlics and collards. Now it looks like this...

I will be able to plant a lot more this year. I need to cut back the tree that hangs over the bottom right side and plan to do that tomorrow after work.

My iris' are blooming.

And I found that I have several buds on my rose bush. But when I looked closely I found they had nasty little bugs on them. So I sprayed them down and now they look great. I only have a photo from before I sprayed them though. I'll get photo's once they bloom. :-)

So, that pretty much sums up my weekend. I'm off to check in on the blogs that I read and also to see what everyone in GTS has posted today.


21 April 2007

16 April 2007

Better late... than never...

Okay, I know, I'm late again. So here are my makeup posts... Sorry for being late, it has been a very crazy weekend.

Eye Candy Friday...

This is my Sweet Jade...well, sometimes she is sweet... :-)

Saturday Sky...

and last but not least...
Green Thumb Sunday...

...my blooming chives...


13 April 2007

Why are people so crazy?

I just cannot understand this article. (Not the article itself, but why the it happened). It makes no sense and is so harmful to the universal spirit. Why do things like this happen? When I have been at my most manic mentally and even at my most depressed, I never contemplated something like this. Things like this just rip me to pieces.

For anyone out there considering something like this or in a situation like this. Please, ask for help. Don't destroy your life or that of an innocent child.

Sometimes I just want to take out an ad in every newspaper in the country that says, "Pregnant and don't know what to do? Don't kill your baby...give it to me."

What a way to start a Friday. Sometimes I wonder why I even read the news.


(**Post edited to better highlight the link to the article that started the rant.**)

12 April 2007

So much to do...

...and so little time to do it in. I'm taking tomorrow off work and trying to get things under control. I'd like to be able to sleep in, but my brother is supposed to come over early to help me with an adjustment to the mower. I would like to go to sleep now, but I really wanted to see CSI so, I'm staying up for that and then going to bed.

I still haven't had time to felt my purse, but I hope this weekend sometime.

Anywho, I may be scarce this weekend, but I'll try to get my posts in for the ECF, SS and GTS.



11 April 2007

Iceland bag

Well, I finished the knitting part of my Iceland Felt bag last week, but didn't get to sew it up until last night. Now all I have to do is felt it. That should be an interesting task. I'm not sure how it will look as I made a few mistakes along the way, but I've been told that it will all come out in the wash! :-)

So, now I'm trying to figure out what to knit next. I'm thinking of an afghan, because it will take me a while and I'd like to make something that I can curl up with. But I'm also thinking about a sweater for me because I need to take advantage of the class and work on difficult projects or learning projects.

Anywho, I have a big week this week...song practice on Friday night, yard sale on Saturday (and of course all the getting ready for the yard sale from now until then) and the women's group on Saturday night. Somewhere in there I have to get the yard mowed before Saturday morning, if it stops raining.

So, I'll try to get a before and after picture of the bag and post it when I can. I'm just not sure when I'll have time to stand over the washing machine to get it felted.


10 April 2007

The Tax Man cometh...

...and he's taking my money! I'm not happy about it, but the taxes are done. Now I just have to print the forms and drop them in the mail.

At least it is done...

Now on to the next task at hand... Yard Sale!


09 April 2007


Procrastination is a long word. It is also a very sad word. I am a master at procrastination. Give me a project and I can find a way to put it off until the very last second, but I will get it done. What is so sad is that I may get it done, but not to the degree and precision that I would like for it to be done. When I make my wreaths, I usually wait until the night before full moon to construct them and then charge them on the full moon.

True procrastination is an art form. There are many things that are regular activities that I can manage to put off until the last minute. In fact, I'm doing it right now. Yes, I should be doing something other than watching "House, MD" re-runs and reading blogs and even posting on my own blog. What should I be doing?

Well, I'll tell you.

I should be doing.....


That's right, there are six days to file and I haven't finished. And since I haven't finished my taxes, I can't prepare for this weekend's yard sale. And since I can't prepare for this weekend's yard sale, I can't read my book for book club next Wednesday.

Do you see a pattern here? :-)

So, dear readers, what is your level of procrastination?

08 April 2007

More late posts...

Saturday Sky post that I missed...

...they were calling for snow flurries yesterday morning, but I never saw any.

...and today is Green Thumb Sunday...

Today when I arrived home I found this beautiful Lace Cap Hydrangea on my doorstep. (A gift from my dad and stepmother).

The cold temperatures and fierce winds have kept me from working in the garden this weekend. I had hopes of getting the vegetable patch ready for planting, but I suppose it will have to wait. I now must focus on getting taxes finished and also on getting ready for the yard sale I'm having this coming weekend.


06 April 2007

Eye Candy Friday

The weather people are calling for snow. It is very cold outside and the skies are starting to cloud up. I'm not certain that I want it to snow. I have been enjoying the warm weather and enjoying working in the yard. Well, I suppose we will see what happens.

Today is my only day off during this holiday. I was going to spend it working in the yard, but it was just too cold. So, I decided to stay inside. I have taxes to finish and also to prep for a yard sale next weekend. I haven't made much progress. I ended up sleeping until 10 and then took a two hour nap this afternoon. I feel so lazy.

There is so much going on in my mind. So many things I am trying to work out that I just can't think straight. I hope to have some answers in a few days.

Back to the taxes...


03 April 2007

What am I doing?

I just don't know anymore...

01 April 2007

Green Thumb Sunday...

Hey, it's Sunday and I'm actually posting my GTS post on Sunday! I think that is progress!

So today's photo is from my yard. It is a bleeding heart plant (or what I've always called bleeding heart, if you know the real name please leave me a comment). I love this plant. It always makes me smile when I see it.

Well, I'd best run along, I have a list of things that I need to get done before I leave to see my Grandmother. I've been up for a little over an hour and I've already fed all the kids and given the beast his shot and I've also washed dishes and checked email. I still have the cat boxes to clean, to take out the trash and to shower and dress and make my list of supplies to get while I'm out.

Oh, yesterday I posted knitting progress photos on my other blog. If you are interested in seeing it, head over there and check it out.

I also have more to do on the secret life changing project and will hopefully have more information later today. I still don't want to disclose what it is just yet. ;-)

Alright, I'm off to tackle the kittie boxes. I don't know why I hate doing that so much... ugh. :-)
