26 November 2020

turkey day...

i've been in the kitchen for the past 5 days.  i've made the same amount of food i usually do for our turkey day meal, but for some reason it seems like 10 times that much.  i guess having to separate it all out into take-away containers and trying to make sure everyone gets enough.  it's doing my head in...

but now the turkey for my mum and i is in the oven and all i have to do is give her portion to her when it is done.  i have lots of food to eat, but no appetite.  that happens when i do a lot of cooking like i have this week.

our meal consists of turkey, ham, dressing with gravy, squash casserole, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole and rolls.  i'm skipping the green bean and sweet potato casseroles.  i have steamed asparagus and a plain sweet potato.  so...much...food...

i'll make a couple of freezer meals so as to not waste a bit.  


i spent a little time going through some old photos this morning to see if i could find pictures from my favorite thanksgivings.  but no dice... i did find some pictures of the yard scenes my granddaddy used to make. the first photo is a picture of a picture.  he made all the decorations and put everything together.  my mum says i get my creative side from him.

the second photo is of a doozy of a sunset we had a few days ago. it was just gorgeous with all the different colors...

well...if you celebrate thanksgiving today, i hope you have a good one.  please remember to celebrate SAFELY!  

if it's just another thursday... have a great day!

thanks for reading...

love, kisses & magical wishes...




Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your house must smell HEAVENLY! And yes, clearly your granddad was a creative kind of guy. Happy Thanksgiving!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I am so glad that I am not the only person who cooked for 13 even though it was just my Piano Man and me. Still, he is extremely happy for the mountain of leftovers. And I am grateful for not having to cook again for days and days and days...