13 November 2020

in the deep...

it's been a very rough few days...

the well opened underneath me with no warning and i fell deep into the dark.

the photo above is from back in august and seems to fit how things look to me when i'm in the deep.  i can see a speck of light and a lightness to the dark, but it is very hard to climb up those walls and grasp that light.

i couldn't sleep last night, this seems to be happening a lot close to each new moon.  

this morning i was able to reach the top of the walls of the well.  so i paid a few bills, went to the mailbox and worked on cleaning the kitchen.

my new kindle arrived last weekend and i finally got it out of the box today and set up.  

so for now i'm out of the well, though i can see the edges trying to open below my feet.  

i've started reading magic lessons by alice hoffman.  so far, i really like it.  

well...i think that's it today...

thanks for reading...

love, kisses & magical wishes...




Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope your spirit lifts! Enjoy your new Kindle!

karen said...

this weekend sleep has been elusive but I know it could be worse! I sleep most of the time.