04 November 2023

grow softly, slowly...

today was a good arting day.  i spent some time with the art witches on zoom and a lot of time working in my journal. 

yesterdays work settled in my mind, so i'm calling it done (bottom photo)

top photo is what i worked on today. i think she's done.  but, again, i'm letting it sit in my head for the night before i decide.

my new earbuds arrived so i was able to listen to music on my walk, and let me tell you, it makes all the difference to me.

that's my day... hope you are having a great weekend.

thanks for being here...

love & magicks




Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lovely art, as always!

karen said...

beautiful!! I love when I am working in my art journal, it's time well spent.