26 July 2023


the wildlife around here is something else.  there's the bunny that has no fear of humans, the rat snake that slithers from my house to the neighbours, the baby bird siblings that like to sleep in my spider plant at night. there are loads of dragonflies, cardinals, crows and hawks.

yesterday i saw my first butterfly of the season and trailed it around the yard. then there is this guy...the little chipmunk, otherwise known as the tomato thief.

i love watching them all.  even the little tomato stealing cutie.

what's the wildlife like in your area?

love & magicks





1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

We mainly have wild rabbits, squirrels and coyotes. Sometimes in our river valley there will be deer or moose passing through. Haven't been any bears or cougars for awhile but occasionally one gets lost and shows up in the city.