31 October 2023

happy halloween and a blessed samhain...

helloooooooo! it is that most wonderfully, fantastically, magical day!

yes, yes...it is Happy Halloween! 

so grab your striped stockings and your most lovely frocks...

let's gather with the witches 

and head to the party!

look at that table! what lovely treats!


 grab a mug and a plate and dig right in...

have a bite...

i hope you enjoy our time together. i love this time of year and parties like this are so much fun.

have a treat and stay for a while...

happy halloween and a blessed samhain.

thanks for stopping in...

love & magicks


ps...sorry for the grainy pics, i really need to work on my photography skills.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, what a spread! I'll have one of everything! But you can have all the candy corn to yourself. Happy Halloween, Laura!

karen said...

Happy Halloween one day late!!