26 June 2023

little dragons flying...

last night i picked up my sketchbook for the first time in months. i'm pretty happy with the sweetness that came out of my pencil.  i need more practice and i'd like to find a class to learn how to bring more realism to my drawings.

this morning in the garden there were little dragons flying around and the sidhe (fairie) bells were tinkling while they danced merrily.

i think i've been waiting too long to pick my cucumbers.  they've been getting really fat on one end and pointy on the other.  while i was hunting for a harvest i found the perfect little cucumber and can't wait to eat it. there were more beans and the first little cherry tomatoes and a jalapeno the size of my thumb.  i picked some chives in plans for making an herb bread that i've been craving.

after getting everything together and mixing it all up i found that the dough just would not form.  it was a crumbly icky mess.  i think my yeast was bad, so i tossed it all out.  i actually tried to make a sort of dumplings out of the psuedo dough, but it didn't work out. so...

i'll try again tomorrow.

that's been my day, other than online paperwork for a project and all the frustrations that come with that. i miss the days where you spoke to actual people for assistance with things. now you just fill out an online form and it is so hard to get to a person. anyhoo...

tell me how your day has been...

love & magicks




Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like your drawing very much -- her eye is particularly well done! And now I want some fresh green beans -- but still too early here for those. I'm going to a farmers market this Sunday to see if I can score any rhubarb to make a crisp with.

Bohemian said...

I don't like that now most Appts. are Telecommuting or whatever they call it. I'm Tech Challenged and I know a lot of people who need Services who cannot afford all the latest Tech Gadgets in order to do all this Online stuff. The Daughter is flying to San Diego and then Mexico, she had to have a Friend do her Virtual Check-in and get her Online Boarding Pass for her since she was clueless how to do any of it and wasn't even sure her Free Phone she gets for the Disabled would do all of that or not? It's very presumptuous of Businesses to just assume everyone uses Apps, and can afford all the latest Technology, many can't and even if we did have it, don't know how to use it. Anyway, Art feeds the Soul and is always a great release and a lasting legacy we can leave behind. You had a nice Harvest, I'm just doing well with my Tomatoes this Season, everything else is floundering, the Weather hasn't been normal.

karen said...

I miss the days of talking to humans as well. Whenever I do get a human on a phone inquiry, I'm thrilled!