01 January 2021

word of the year...

happy new year, my dears...

here we are, ready to move on from 2020 and explore the new calendar year.

my word of the year for 2021 came to me during a session of morning pages back in october.  i immediately thought it was perfect.  but, of course, as is typical with me, i started to overthink it.  i searched for a word that was similar and might work better. 

then i realized that i needed to stop second guessing myself.  it felt very important to listen and FOLLOW my intuition.

so, i did...

my word of the year for 2021 is ART.  

i'm scheduled to attend two art retreats this year.  this is highly unusual, but one is a reschedule from last year.  i am beyond hopeful that we will be in a position to attend in person events by the time they arrive.  One is in september and the other october. (fingers crossed...and toes and eyes and anything i can cross to let this happen!)

i also am participating in two year long art courses.  and there is another art retreat in my state that i'd like to attend.

so when the word art popped up as my word of the year, it fit.

above you can see, in the last photo, my handmade journal for my two online art courses (both with Effy Wild).  that will hold all my art related to anything effy.

the top photo is the last, i think, piece i did in my art journal from 2020.  i know i made that on the 15th of december and i don't think i did anymore art journaling after that. 

the middle photo shows my favorite night sky color combo.  i used them to create the painting on my planner/journal and art journal covers.

art...  i hope to make a lot of art.  not just the painting kind, but the stitching, knitting, cooking, writing, baking, exploring kind...

i'm looking forward to seeing what i create this year and how my arting grows and changes. and i hope to share that here with you.

now, tell me, did you chose a word for the year?   

thanks for being here and reading along...

love, kisses and magical wishes...




Debra She Who Seeks said...

ART -- what a perfect word! You will make so much beautiful art this year, I just know it! I don't choose annual words but I love hearing about other people's. I'd like to do more art this year too. I've been sitting on my butt too long since this pandemic started.

Victoria said...

Yay Laura..what a beautiful post! You art is gorgeous..all those hearts and that magnificent feather atop deep blues! I love that you chose the word ART...for that is not only wonderful to be creating..but making every day a meaningful work of art too!! I will have to think of a word..thank you for inspiring!!
Hugs and much love...and I wish you a magical 2021 and many new adventures ahead!

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy New Year Wishes.

All the best Jan

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so happy for you!!! Smiling BIG TIME!! I have all 3 colours of your golden paints1 LOL! Sometimes I pick a word and sometimes not. This year, not. We all go through passages in our lives and it's up to us, if we are going to keep going. Been listening to two of my favourite "talkers" and I have to start! I have little, by little every year, but fear takes over. I've done so much healing and I have to keep going. We are not our past! We are expanding all the time! And, when you listen to that voice inside, it will never lead you wrong! Big Hugs!!

Clare said...

Hello, I am a beginner in art and I am trying to journal every day. I think your art is beautiful.

Laura Morrigan said...

Yes! I am trying to get back to craft and writing!