good morning out there in bloglandia,
i meant to be here yesterday, but the day ran away from me and by the time i'd sat to write it was so late and i was sooo tired, i just went to bed.
i think i mentioned in my last post that i had started something new and wanted to share here.
Several months ago, after i emerged from zombie world, i began to light my ancestor altar every day. i was worried they'd be pissed as i'd neglected them (and other altars) for many months. but they were not mad. they were actually happy to see me back and doing the things i needed to do.
i also returned to my regular morning ritual of journaling and pulling a tarot/oracle card every day. as i was swapping out decks* to start a new week i had the thought that the ancestors needed a deck. i flipped through my cubie of decks and found one i thought would be perfect for the altar. it is the Moon Witch Oracle by Cosmic Valeria. i acquired it on a trip out west either in Colorado or New Mexico. so, i set it on the altar and went on with my day. the next morning after my daily journaling and card pull, i was drawn to the ancestor altar to pull a card. the message i received was amazingly accurate to what was happening in my life at the time and was just the advice i'd needed.
of course, after that, i had to pull a card from the deck every day. i called it messages from the ancestors and would record each days message in my bom (book of me - collective just wasn't working for me - my planner/journal/calendar/everything book). early in february i started feeling a push from the ancestors that i needed to share these messages out in the world. i pondered and argued, yes...i argued with the ancestors that i was not the person to do this (imposter syndrome, anyone?). but they gave me what for back and kept sending stronger and stronger messages.
so. i've created a substack "Messages from the Ancestors" where i post the days message/card pull and will sometimes add my thoughts on the cards and any additional words the ancestors want out there. it is brand new as i started it the 1st of this month. i'm still getting acquainted with substack, so it is a little tricksy right now. i'm doing my best to post in the am (US Eastern time) and if i can figure out how to do it from my app it won't be too hard. anyhoo...if you are on substack and would like a daily little gift from the ancestors, head over here.
As these are gifts from the ancestors, my substack will always be free. no subscription fees will be required to read it. there are a few other things the ancestors have been pushing me to do, but i'm not there yet. if and when i am, i'll share with you here and maybe, depending, over on my substack.
well, that seems like a lot for today. i need to sign off as i've bedroom walls to paint, bills to pay and laundry to sort. :-)
i'm working on the flip video of my feb art challenge and hope to post it next and as for cheesecake. let's just say, that will get its own post soon, too.
how are things in your neck of the woods? have you stepped outside your comfort zone lately?
thanks for sticking around.
love & kisses & magical wishes...
always & forever...
*as for "swapping out decks", i have collected so many oracle and tarot decks over the years that it feels weird to only use one or two, so i've taken to working with a different deck every week but now i'm sticking to one a month. i've found some wonderful decks that i've had for 30+ years. more about all that in another post. :-) xoxo
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