14 May 2018

weekend adventures...

I was going to share my big project from this past weekend, but when I looked through my archives, I found I'd already shared a very similar post.  So, to see how I spent my Saturday morning, click here.  :-)

Yesterday, I received a panicked call from my neighbor telling me to come to the front door of her house.  Upon arrival, she directed me to her back door where I saw this...

Now, keep in mind that she is deathly afraid of snakes.  Of course, she was freaking out.  I asked her what she wanted me to do and she said get rid of it.  

Last year during my first few snake wrangling experiences for her, I'd told her I wouldn't kill a snake unless it was poisonous.  I wouldn't kill those either, but I have major flashback trauma of not being able to go in my grandad's yard without a shovel or hoe due to all the baby copperheads for a few summers.

I found his head, he'd been drinking out of the plant tray, and had a little talk with him.  I explained how he was kind of in danger if he hung around in her yard as she'd probably kill him if she saw him again, but I assured him he was welcome to hang out in my yard and patio and I'd not bother him at all.  I think he was mostly annoyed because he made his way across her yard to the outside of her fence (opposite my side) where he curled up under (or maybe in) a boxwood. 
She was still freaking out and wanting me to take him to the woods.  I told her just cause he went into the woods, didn't mean he'd stay there!  :-)  I think he was at least 4 feet long but was very skinny.  It didn't look like he'd eaten anything in a while.  He sure was a pretty little black rat snake. 

So, that was my exciting time on Mother's day.  Haha.

How was your weekend?  ;-)

Thanks for stopping in for a read...
love & blessings



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm with your neighbour. I would have freaked out too.

Magic Love Crow said...

I'm freaking out with Debra and your neighbour! LOL! No snakes for me! You are good Laura!!!! Great photos too!! Big Hugs!