10 December 2014

more randomness...

My first Thanksgiving hosting turned out wonderfully.  The turkey was delicious and everyone loved all the food.  My mum kept talking about how well organized I had everything and how it was all done "on time" and went so well.  I think I've been designated the official Thanksgiving cook.  

I have an admission to make, I'm a bit of an Instagram addict.  I find myself reaching for my phone and Instagram app instead of my camera.  When I started looking for photos for this post, I had a hard time finding what I wanted to share.  

The bird bath has been full lately and I seem to get a lot of little visitors.  When I go to the door to take a picture, they fly away.  I was able to sneak photos of this guy at his bath.  So cute.

My cactus is blooming!  The last time it bloomed was in 2008.  I'd say it approves of our new home.  Looking at those blossoms makes me want more flowering houseplants. 

Baking and making is going on here this week.  I'm having some family over on Saturday for a visit and to see my new home.  We're having snacks instead of a sit down meal so it should be pretty easy.

I saw my new Endo on Monday.  My A1c had jumped quite a bit since the end of May and now I'm back on meds.  He's also prescribed a new med and it is not pleasant.  The tiny little pill is fine, except that it smells funny.  However, the side effects are ugh... disrupted sleep, no appetite at all, tremors (which is really bad when I want to paint or sketch), and my head hurts more than usual.  I could stand all the others, but that last one...living with a constant on the pain scale at 9 or 10 is one thing, but having the pain almost doubled, is miserable.  I go back in two months, so I'll see if I can tolerate it.  

I keep thinking of posts that I want to make that are concise and have themes, but I just keep rambling.  Oh well...

I hope you are all having a wonderful week.